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How I select loan of repair of my real estate:

The repairing loans are a special category of housing loans. According to the policy that follow most commercial banks in Greece the sum of loan that they can cover it reaches even the 100% of cost of work.

The renovation the rural or main residence they are accompanied by expenses, which lead their most times interested to the solution of personal - consuming loans. And this because the sums that are required are usually small, concerning them for purchase or construction of home and the consumers they do not wish the processes underwriting, certification of progress of work from engineering of bank in order to they take repairing loan

. The interest-rate however is differs a lot in the two cases.

The interest-rates of consuming loans without you ensure, they reach the 12%, while the repairing loans with underwriting, they amount proportionally the currency in which will be loaned the customer (EURO or SWISS) in 5% or 3,5% respectively. Even if the initial expenses are bigger in the repairing loan (eg expenses underwriting, expenses of lawyer - mechanic) from consuming, the total cost of money of in-depth time 8[etias] he is smaller selecting the repairing loan.

* [Dikaiologitika] for sale of real estate

1.[Apo] [D].[O].[Y] of salesman a.) Probative tax awareness. V.) Afterwards the 30-6-2009 will be required also certificate [peri] payment of United End of Real estates ([ET].[AK]). g.) In the event that the title of possession sold real estate is parental benefit or heritage or donation AFTERWARDS the 31.12.1989 it is required: Application - certificate to the responsible [D].[O].[Y]., from which it results that was declared the heritage/donation/parental benefit that is reported in the title of possession and that is not owed tax.

2. From the responsible Municipality in that is found the sold real estate. Certification of End of Motionless Fortune (for his publication is required the producing in the Municipality photocopy of title of possession as well as the last one account of NATIONAL ELECTRICAL COMPANY paid off). ATTENTION: This certification IS NOT REQUIRED when transmitted is PARCEL without building.

3. From the responsible ORGANISATION OF SOCIAL SECURITY certification of not debt for the salesman (actuarial awareness). THE CERTIFICATION IS REQUIRED ONLY IN CASE WHERE THE SALESMAN THEY IS: a) Individual that practises commercial enterprise or legal person of any form . b) participates in company of any form as member of Company, Administrator [E].[P].[E]., Directing Adviser Mr l. p g) In the event that the real estate has been erected inside decade pre the signature of contract is required certification from I. Mr A of region where is found the real estate. ATTENTION: In the event that transmitting it does not have no one of the above attributes, then signs in the body of contract relative solemn statement that it is not compelled in producing of actuarial awareness.

4. By the Responsible cadastral office that the real estate is found under cadastral survey region [basei] Law 2308/1995 as it was modified with Law 3481/2006 it is in the event required also: Certification of Organism of Cadastre [peri] submission of statement Law 2308/1995 as it was modified with Law 3481/2006 AND In the event closed Cadastral Office is required extract of Cadastral Diagram of responsible Cadastral Office, according to the provisions of Law 2308/1995 as it was modified with Law 3481/2006.


1. If it is plot Topographic diagram from engineering with statements of [N].651/1977 and [N].1337/83. (Obligatory for the sales no however for the partial legal acts (parental benefits/donations) if also provided that it has not changed the urban arrangement of region). More specifically: In the event that the action of application street-plan drawing of region where it is found the real estate was ratified or modified after the 25.11.1994 they are required also [peran] the above certification of End of Motionless Fortune:

a) Certification of responsible Municipality, from which it results that has been submitted statement of property on the transmitted real estate, according to the article of 6 Law 2242/1994. This certification is even required in the case where has not been ratified the action of application.

b) Certification of responsible Municipality, from which it results that for the transmitted real estate is not owed contribution in money, according to article 9, paragraph of 7 Law 1337/1983, as it was modified with the no of 5 Law 2052/1994.) ATTENTION: This certification is not required for the real estates that were included in the drawing of city according to the provisions of [N].1337/1983 and has still not been ratified the action of application. 2. In the event that the transmitted real estate (building) was built after the 14.3.1983 is required copy of empty building of responsible Urban Office.

* What it should I am careful front I advance in the purchase of real estate:

The candidate purchaser of real estate should be addressed in a lawyer and a engineering, which responsibly him will help and him will protect from traps that they are potentially hidden behind a transaction of real estate The careful control of titles of property of real estate in as long as bigger depth of time is this feasible it is essential, in order that the purchaser is sure that do not exist some weight, attachment or claim at the expense the real estate or in the name of salesman or in his assignor, while in opposite case the damage for the purchaser will be incalculable.

More specifically the purchaser [peran] the obvious legal control of in the event market of real estate should:

A) If it is [apoperatomeno] real estate to check the authorisation of real estate and the approved drawings from the urban planning, to check allowed from empty use of real estate (specifically [an] it is for professional motionless), to study the constitution of horizontal property and the regulation of block of flats (if it is group of residences).

B) If it is under construction real estate [peran] above, the candidate purchaser owes to ask and to check the writing of obligations according to which the constructor is compelled to execute the work of construction. Unfortunately a lot of purchasers do not show the necessary attention in this point, forgetting that in the event conflict with the constructor the existence of written agreement will only give them the possibility are defended their rights.

G of) In the event purchase of plot should without fail exist adviser topographer from the side of purchaser while the explicit delimitation of plot, the precise area of this, the factor of layout of plot and the uses of ground is factors decisive so much for the value of plot what for the appropriateness of plot for the aim that we intend him. It should he becomes absolutely perceptible, that in most affairs that they reach in the courts the purchasers did not observe piously the above advices, or because they showed badly meant confidence, or because [enirgisan] hastily because they believed that they will lose a “occasion of” market.